Jun 24 2024 57 mins 12
Andy and Danny are back with more beer talk, items of discussion include:
- Firestone Walker Invitational Beer Fest fallout talk.
- Backstage news from event.
- Anything new this year?
- Is there a point to tweaking the format?
- Sleeping on the food.
- Who needs to be invited next year.
- Anchor Brewing is bought.
- Rumored strategy to this chapter of Anchor.
- Will it succeed or fail?
- Latest chapter in Ballast Point Brewing Saga.
- Shout out to Wort Wrangler
And much more!
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Please check out these resources if you are a member of the craft beer industry and need help.
National Women's Law Center - https://nwlc.org/
Department of Fair Employment and Housing - https://www.dfeh.ca.gov/
Project When - https://projectwhen.org/resources/how-to-report-workplace-harassment-incidents/