Feb 11 2025 14 mins 3
I didn’t *actually make my teaching salary online in less than 1 year.
I guess I should start by being completely transparent. It took me 3 years to earn my teaching salary because I had no one - and I mean no one to help me. I was googling questions that weren’t even answered yet. I was watching thousands of hours of YouTube videos and reading SEO for dummies. I was trying my best but it was a slowish go.
But that DOESN’T have to be YOU! Why?!
Because we are no longer going alone, blazing a trail into the ether. Nope, we are now growing alongside a community as you fast-track the learning!
Enter the CEO Teacher® Community
An engaged community of vibrant educators (in and out of the classroom) who are continually growing and thriving while creating their own teacher businesses. They continue finding their own version of freedom using the online space to grow their teacher salary. They are what saved my sanity, and my belief in teachers being good humans, plus sparked my creativity again.
In this episode, you will learn:
4 Steps To Replace Your Teaching Salary Online
How To Find What’s Needed In The Online Space
When To Fix Your Mind And Sights On The Prize
Why You Should Track Important Metrics To Stay On Target
The Main Reason To Follow A Step-by-step Plan Of Someone Who’s Gone Before You
Links Mentioned in this Episode about replacing your teaching salary:
CEO Teacher® Resources Worth Their Weight in Gold
You're already a wealth of knowledge! You’re a teacher after all. You've got the skills, the passion, and the creativity to build a thriving online business. You may just not yet know what you want to create or how to get started.
If that’s you- First things first: Grab our "Start or Expand Your Teacher Business in 2025" workbook. It's your roadmap to success! This isn't just another worksheet to fill your Google Drive downloads folder– it's your personalized blueprint for getting started building a profitable online business.
Now if you are a seasoned CEO Teacher® who has all the systems in place, has started showing up, and is still feeling overwhelmed with all the tasks and to-dos of building your teaching legacy? No problem! Let's break it down together.
Your first step is to understand your CEO Teacher® Type, and all the goodness and inspiration that comes along with your already remarkable skill set! Take the 2 Minute quiz here so we can navigate the hard parts together!
And if leveling up your knowledge with books is your love language, I have a whole library shelf of goodness just for you! CEO Teacher® Book List
Ready to connect with a community of inspiring educators? Join the conversation!
Instagram: Tag me @theceoteacher and let's chat about your edupreneur journey. No topic is off limits, and it is always a party in the DM’s- just sayin’
Podcast: Subscribe on iTunes and never miss an episode. This is your weekly go-to for all things teacher business, marketing, and mindset…
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Let's make your teacher dreams a reality!
P.S. Check out our latest CEO Teacher® Podcast episodes and blog posts for more inspiration and actionable advice.
10 Ways Teachers are Supplementing Their Teaching Salary Online:
P.P.S. Don't forget to grab your free bag of virtual teacher goodies and start making your mark online!
I believe in you! YOUR best is yet to come!
Kayse 💖