IPPC EPISODE 17: A conversation with Canadian Challenge Race Director, Dan Kirkup.

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Mar 16 2023 37 mins  

In episode 17 of the IPPC, Brian and Emily share some 2023 trade show experiences from Pheasant Fest in MN and The Police K9 Magazine Conference and Tradeshow in NV.

Afterwards, Brian speaks with Dan Kirkup, President and Race Director of The Canadian Challenge, a premiere, traditional dog sled race in Sascatchewan, Canada.

Dan speaks about the community spirit and team work that make these races possible, how he stumbled into a life mushing with dogs and the brutal challenge that is riding across the Canadian Prairies in the middle of the winter.

You can cehck out Dan's Podcast, here:


You can learn more about the Canadian Challenge, here:


Canadian Challenge Socials:

https://www.instagram.com/canadianchallenge/ https://www.facebook.com/CanadianChallengeSledDogRace