Aug 31 2022 46 mins 1
Hi there! Welcome to the Theory of Pets Podcasts! We started this podcast to uncover truths in the pet industry.
Today I am joined by Robin Bennett. Robin Bennett has been a dog behavioralist trainer for over 30 years.
After successfully running her own behavior training business, she started a business that teaches doggy daycares how to understand dog behavior and body language. Enter the Dog Gurus.
After that she decided again to evolve her business into a recent venture called Ruffly Speaking!
This is a platform where you get access to years of experience from dog behavior trainers and they also help educate dog owners like you and I make the best buying decisions for our pets.
In today's podcast we talk about dog behavior and she drops some golden nuggets in certain scenarios that I felt would be valuable to touch on for you all. Give it a listen!
Here are the questions I ask her today:
- Tell everyone a bit about you and your story and what you did before ruffly speaking
- How would your sessions go with clients, walk me through the individual clients and the questions you would ask them when you would work with individuals
- You also trained owners and employees how to run doggy daycares
- Why did you start doing that?
- Now let’s start digging into ruffly speaking
- Why did you create it?
- What did you see that was missing that you could fulfill for people with your background
- With ruffly speaking what will people get that they don’t normally have access to?
- What is the difference between ruffly speaking and a typical facebook group or a local dog trainer?
- What problem do you see in the pet ownership world it solving?
- Why did you create it?
- What is the biggest thing you see that people miss when they get a dog and the dog does a behavior their owner does not like or approve of
- Tell us about the behavior of dogs from your experience and perspective
- What about them that makes it easy to understand them
- What about dog’s behavior that you understand and teach people can how their dogs are going to behave
- What is your philosophy in dog training?
- Why do you have that approach?
- We’ve talked off camera about the “balanced training” approach (rewarding dogs when they do something right, and correcting them when they do something wrong), why do you think it isn’t as effective as positive reinforcement
- What is wrong with “balanced training”?
- How should people seek out dog training
- Quick little checklist so they get it right
- How can people sign up for ruffly speaking?
- Where else can people find you on social media?
I personally started using Ruffly Speaking's platform and it has a wealth of knowledge, I HIGHLY recommend if you are a dog owner that you sign up. It'll be the best investment in building your relationship with your pup.
It's $19.99/mo. if you are interested, make sure to sign up using this link: