Feb 19 2025 22 mins 2
+Mastering Sales Call Openers! Chris Bussing, an expert in tech sales, joins us to explore the art of starting sales calls effectively. Chris shares his wealth of experience from the tech industry, particularly in cloud services, highlighting the importance of finding an opener that aligns with your personality. From permission-based openers to problem-focused questions, we discuss how piquing a prospect's curiosity by addressing their potential challenges can lead to more successful conversations.
We also explore strategic account management and enterprise selling, emphasizing the power of focus and storytelling in building meaningful connections. The concept of the "proximal peer" is introduced, showing how aligning stories with a prospect's industry or role can create a sense of identification and trust.
👤 About the Guest
Chris Bussing is the founder of Bussing Ventures and Tech Sales Accelerator. He’s also the Senior Account Executive at Bespin Global US. You can learn more from Chris on YouTube here.
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