Sep 08 2024 8 mins 1
If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while, well…you know that there hasn’t been much to listen to in the last year. I’ve been quiet, and while the main reason for that has been purely logistical, I can’t totally blame my silence on my schedule. In truth, another large part of this has been the very deep, intimate, internal work the Spirit has been walking me through. It’s been special and sacred and quiet, and really hasn’t felt like it was to be shared. Only a few friends, and at times only my husband and my professional supports, have been aware of the shifts within my heart, and the deep healing that the Spirit has brought. I’m so grateful.
But, as seasons do, I am beginning to feel the season changing. What has been a quiet winter of introspection and putting down deep roots is now giving way in my heart to a spring of growth and transformation. I feel the energy of the shifts that the Spirit has led me through beginning to reach out to be shared and seen. But, like the first spring leaves, it feels fragile. Vulnerable. Unsure. Like it needs to be protected. Like it’s not sure it’s time yet.