Oct 22 2024 78 mins
It's estimated that ADHD affects more than 8 million adults (or up to 5% of Americans) and 6.1% of children. Unfortunately, many people don't even know they have it. For decades, people with ADHD have been ignored, dismissed and even derided. As one of the most misunderstood diagnoses, it's easy for ADHD to be treated like a joke or a superpower, even though it's neither. NYT best selling author of "How to ADHD", Jessica McCabe, dives deep into everything from how the brain of a person with ADHD works to how their loved ones can better understand and support them. Jessica opens up about what it was like to be the one with “potential” who could never quite bring it to fruition. Tap into this week’s episode if you have ADHD or love someone with it for some great tips on how to navigate it successfully.
Watch the conversation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/z4lIxTgL1cU?si=RDB7FMJmrHohXIO2
7 Agents of Change Pack, visit to learn more: http://triggeredafevents.com
ADHD is not a joke or a superpower.
Make space for hyperfocus but install guardrails in your mind to stay on track.
Studies have shown that ADHD may be polygenetic.
Pills don’t teach skills. Simply medicating your child is not enough.
Instead of telling someone to “calm down”, try telling them to “slow down.”
Try to work with your unique brain rather than fight against it.
Jessica McCabe
Website: https://howtoadhd.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/howtoadhd
TedxTalk: https://www.ted.com/talks/jessica_mccabe_this_is_what_it_s_really_like_to_live_with_adhd_jan_2017?language=en
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtoadhd/?hl=en
Alechia Reese
For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com
Instagram | http://instagram.com/alechiareese
LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/alechiareese
Dani Bourdeau
For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com
Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau
For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com
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Replay edited by Triggered Media Group.