May 15 2022 55 mins
SHOW NOTES: In Today's Episode of the Greatest Shit Show on Earth:
Social media is the most fabulous manipulator of the last several generations, if not of all time. We do nothing to protect ourselves from what algorithms gather about each of us individually, let alone what they collect from us as a nation in the interest of international personal interest.
As Americans, we have the mindset, "Who gives a shat what they know about me? I could care less what anyone eventually finds out about the most intimate aspects of who I am."
That's fair, but what if learning more about "you" was never the point? What if the entire point of social media algorithms was to gather national intelligence on social patterns of the whole western culture?
Be serious; how important do you think you are? Are you a sick and mentally ill narcissist?
We are so grossly blind to our self-importance we never considered there might be a larger conspiracy at play.
Yes, it may be that every time we log into Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok, we might provide our enemy with deep AI data into the patterns that define us, our daily life mindset, and the fundamental mechanics of how we exist; but it blows right over our heads.
That is the real threat social media has on us with its mining data. Not what it learns about you or me, but the intel it gathers from all of us. We never consider it has little to do with who we are individually but rather what we provide enemy nations as a culture.
Act I - Introductions and Pleasantries -
Act II: Intermittent Reinforcement
Act III - The Wrap Up