Oct 01 2019 160 mins
We knew this day was coming, friends? Or did we? We wouldn't blame you if you thought we forgot about you since this is coming at ya six months late. But good things take time. We hope.
Even though it's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday, we must. But really, it's a celebration, benches (any fans of The Good Place out there?). We compiled all of your truly lovely messages for us, along with many of our favorite moments from the past three years and put together our farewell tribute to us and, more importantly, to you. #TDCPod fam for life.
Sticking around for season 10? We know just who you should turn to you for your recaps.
Erin Qualey @ Hidden Remote | Noetta Harjo @ Geek Girl Authority | Tai Gooden @ Nerdist
Want some more Melissa in your life? Be sure to check out her podcast, Your BFF Podcast, to unlock all the secrets of life. Or to break the key in the door. Either way, it'll be a good time.
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Special thanks to Eden Burning for providing our music, “Glitter Girl.” Check them out at Reverb Nation