May 26 2023 123 mins 6
Best Shorts to Train In: GOAT Shorts
Video of Podcast:
Jeff Lovecchio
Jeff is a pro athlete, a former NHL hockey player, and now coach and entreprener. As well, he is a lunatic. We live in a world were most people don't like their jobs. They don't enjoy what they get to do on a daily basis or they don't fully apprciate how crazy it is what they get to do on a daily basis. Jeff is not one of those people. He is excited about what he gets to do for a living and understands how amazing it is that he lives in a world where he can do what he wants. Being on the tail end of his athletic career, we talked about lose of identity in your sport, not being able to hit expectations, dealing with depression, and how to overcome all that using the tools he learned from getting good at his sport. Check out our sponsors below and enjoy the show!
Not Dead Yet- Code NDY 10% off
Onnit - 10% off
Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off
Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off
Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save
Daily Destroyer - team training and programming
Core Medical Group -
Sunlighten Saunas -