Apr 28 2023 106 mins 10
Best Shorts to Train In: GOAT Shorts
Video of Podcast:
Justin Wren
I love this human. Justin is an MMA fighter, he runs a Charity called Fight For the Forgotten, and I recently got to go see what work he has accomplished in Uganda, helping the Batawa Pygmy people get clean water, land, and shelter. I had never been exposed to a place that had so little but there was so much resource the sense of community they have is so overwhelming strong and filled with so much love even though they have so little. This was such a great conversation and I have so much love for Justin and what he is doing. Enjoy the show!
If you feel compelled, you can donate to Justin's charity Fight for the Forgotten here: https://give.fightfortheforgotten.org/give/190754/#!/donation/checkout
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