Aug 13 2010 19 mins 2
After being coerced by the Warden and President Clinton into convincing Qaboos to include him in his escape plans, Billy has some time to think about past mistakes -- including his many, many marriages. He's been stabbed, beaten with billy clubs and handcuffed naked to a light pole in a truck stop in Effingham, Ill. But only one of his ex-wives cared enough to shoot him. Billy confronts his cellmate about the escape plans and after a tense (and homoerotic) moment, Qaboos agrees to include Billy in the escape.
WARNING: If you were to ask Billy Big Rig, he would tell you that God made us all the same, and the color of our skin and the texture of our hair makes no never mind to God so it shouldn't to us neither. (Just don't get him started about homosexuals! That sh*t ain't right!) You are not so likely to agree with Billy's self-appraisal. Therefore, if you woke up this morning and someone has run off with your satire processor, if you download and listen to this episode and are offended by it, it's YOUR fault, not Billy's!