Oct 26 2024 16 mins
Nine years before the Wayans Bros. used the title for their spoof franchise, Daniel Erickson laid claim to it in his early-90s indie horror hangout comedy set on Halloween, Scary Movie, starring a young John Hawkes giving a fantastically committed performance that oozes Courage The Cowardly Dog vibes (well before that was a thing). Shot near Austin, Texas, it's not exactly on the same caliber as 1974's The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, but it fully captures that Texas feeling and has a lot of Tobe Hooper lurking within its DNA. Aaron had the opportunity to see an anniversary screening of the film in the same theater it originally premiered in back in ‘91 with the writer/director, Daniel Erickson, in attendance, and captured the conversation for your listening pleasure — but be warned: “ABANDON HOPE, ALL Y’ALL WHO ENTER HERE!"