Jun 11 2024 19 mins
Steve Suh has invested in over 50 syndications. He has seen over 20 different asset classes. When will you gain his level of insight and experience? His book, “Avoiding Rookie Errors as a Left Field Investor” describes 20 mistakes you can avoid for your forbearance. And if you don’t have time to read his 60-page book… you don’t have time to be investing. Listen to Steve’s insights and be sure to order a copy of “Avoiding Rookie Errors”!
- Transition from active to passive investments.
- Learning from Rich Dad Poor Dad.
- Emphasizing the importance of diversification.
- Personal experience with Ponzi schemes in oil and gas.
- Investing in boring assets for stability.
- The significance of cash flow in reducing investment risk.
- Listening to others’ perspectives: the role of LeftField Investors.
- Importance of learning from other people’s mistakes.
- The crucial role of the sponsor in syndication success.
- Balancing risky investments with stable ones.
Episode Resources
- Connect with Robby Butler
- www.wealthrenegadepodcast.com
- www.prosperityeconomics.org
- [email protected]
- Connect with Steve Suh
- Link to book: https://a.co/d/9YUQlfF
- [email protected]
- Join their investor community at https://www.leftfieldinvestors.com/
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