It’s easy to step into and own your aliveness and radiance when things are going well in your life…but what about when you’re going through grief, loss, or devastation?
It can feel pretty fucking hard to even function during these times, let alone stay connected to your aliveness and radiance, amiright? But babe, finding ways to return to pleasure, turn on, radiance, and aliveness DURING the times when shit hits the fan can feel so incredibly supportive for you and I want to help you get there.
So if you’re struggling to fight for your turn on, radiance and aliveness amidst devastation in your life right now (I’m right there with you, boo), this episode is for you.
I’m breaking down:
- The new way that I’m approaching grief
- A favorite quote of mine from one of my mentors, Mama Gena, for finding your radiance even when you’re going through some deep shit in your life
- The things about aliveness that you probably are overloooking (it’s so much more than pas de bourréeing around live, laugh, loving, my friends)
- What “turn on” means for me (vs what “turned off” means to me)
- Why expecting and waiting for THESE things to turn you on is a dangerous game
- Some of my favorite quick and easy turn on tools you can go to even if you’ve just got a couple of minutes
- How to move yourself through a contraction
Ready to take this work deeper?I’ve got a handful of 1:1 spaces open and I’d love to help you. Head over to my website and book yourself a free call with me:
Or drop into my DMs on IG:
Grab your copy of my free e-book, “”From Perfectionist to Pleasure Expert” at: