Inspired by Kojo’s tweet, “being valued >,” this episode dives into the deep and necessary conversation about value in our relationships. Do we truly value the people in our lives, and just as importantly, do we value ourselves?
We explore:
• What it means to feel valued by others and how it impacts our mental and emotional well-being.
• The ways we show value to those we care about.
• How self-worth and self-value play a role in how we allow others to treat us.
• Whether being valued is more important than being loved.
This discussion will make you reflect on your relationships with others and yourself. Are you surrounding yourself with people who truly appreciate your presence? Are you recognizing your worth? Join the conversation and let us know in the comments: Do you feel valued in your relationships?
#BeingValued #SelfWorth #RelationshipGoals #WhatsAGoodGuy
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