James Cook hosts an in-depth discussion on the current state of retail real estate across major European cities, including growth trends, key retail locations, and city-specific strategies for market penetration.
- Josefine Ulrich talks about the challenges of entering the European market
- Tjard Martinus discusses the positive outlook for European retail
- Aniko Korsos and Moritz Scharbatke highlight the significant expansion of apparel and sports brands in Germany
- Antonio Sanchez-Moliní López discusses limited restaurant space in Spain and the top streets in Madrid and Barcelona
- Benjamin Boccara covers the impact of the Olympics on Paris retail
- Teresa Iacomino explains the growing appeal of Milan as a retail destination
Watch the full video version of each interview on LinkedIn:
- Beyond Borders: Turning European Diversity into Your Retail Advantage: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/retail-at-jll_beyond-borders-turning-european-diversity-activity-7255156154819899394-zt7P
- Retail Insights: Berlin and Munich: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/retail-at-jll_retail-insights-berlin-and-munich-activity-7266752582834876416-fCtD
- Milan's Retail Landscape: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/retail-at-jll_milans-retail-landscape-activity-7263143838142144512-52Bb
- Exploring Retail Real Estate in Madrid and Barcelona: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/retail-at-jll_exploring-retail-real-estate-in-madrid-and-activity-7260305171283365888-2rCa
- Retail Opportunities in Paris: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/retail-at-jll_retail-opportunities-in-paris-activity-7257692908353380352-GAHI
For more info, read JLL's European Retail City Profiles here: https://www.jll.co.uk/en/trends-and-insights/research/european-retail-city-profiles
James Cook is the Director of Retail Research in the Americas for JLL.
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Theme music is Run in the Night by The Good Lawdz, under Creative Commons license.