Feb 26 2025 63 mins
In Episode 125 of White Canes Connect, hosts Lisa Bryant and David Goldstein welcome Jesse Shirek, a government affairs specialist with the National Federation of the Blind (NFB). This episode focuses on the recently concluded Washington Seminar, an annual advocacy event where blind individuals from across the country meet with legislators to discuss key policy issues affecting their community.
Jesse provides a historical overview of Washington Seminar, dating back to its origins in 1973, and emphasizes its continued importance today. He explains the rigorous preparation process, from training sessions to mock meetings, ensuring that NFB members present a unified and compelling case to lawmakers. This year, the seminar focused on three major legislative priorities: the Medical Device Non-Visual Accessibility Act, the Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act, and the Blind Americans Return to Work Act. Additionally, a last-minute initiative emerged in response to concerning executive orders affecting disability rights and funding.
Jesse shares his personal journey into advocacy, inspired by firsthand experiences witnessing systemic barriers faced by blind individuals. He highlights the power of grassroots advocacy and the significance of relationship-building with legislators. The conversation also touches on NFB-NEWSLINE®, a valuable resource for accessing newspapers and magazines in an accessible format.
Listeners are encouraged to take action by reaching out to their representatives and participating in next year’s Washington Seminar. For more information, Jesse provides direct contact details for those interested in advocacy or NFB resources.
Show notes at https://www.whitecanesconnect.com/125
Links Mentioned
- Great Gathering In: https://youtu.be/wDUkAoyejtc?si=ZI0bUQdYR9TG8kgS
- Washington Seminar Info & Fact Sheets: https://nfb.org/programs-services/advocacy/washington-seminar
- Want NFB-NEWSLINE? Reach out to David at [email protected].
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