Jan 25 2025 138 mins 1
The Fork In Your Ear Podcast Ep# 189 Cross Country USA!
Tim & Daniel + Nate Discuss:
Tim & Daniel are in the car driving across the USA to deliver Daniel back to WA State, is Tim has called in Nates studio and he graciously is pitch hit editing this one! What do we talk about? I don’t even remember but it was a wild and lively episode folks!
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Website: http://www.dynamicworksproductions.com/
Twitter Handle: @getforkedpod
eMail Address: [email protected]
iTunes Podcast Store Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dynamic-works-productions/id703318918?mt=2&i=319887887
If you would like to catch up with each of us personally Online Twitch/Twitter:
Tim K.A. Trotter’s Youtube ID: Dynamicworksproductions
Tim K.A. Trotter’s Twitter ID: Tim_T
Tim K.A. Trotter’s Twitch ID: Tim_KA_Trotter
Also remember to buy my Sc-Fi adventure book “The Citadel: Arrival by Tim K.A. Trotter” available right now on Amazon Kindle store & iTunes iBookstore for only $2.99 get a free preview download when you visit those stores, it’s a short story only 160-190 pages depending on your screen size, again thats $2.99 on Amazon Kindle & iTunes iBookstore so buy book and support this show!