Nov 16 2024 183 mins 1
The Fork In Your Ear Podcast Ep#187 FIGHT NIGHT
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, in this ear coming to you live from California, checking in at 5f9' 160lbs you know him as the man who holds his computer together with a Lego brick, the Iron Stomach, the indomitable gray scale, the one and only, the nastiest of Foos, NATE FOO!!!!
And in this ear, coming at you 5’10“, 210 lbs., live from Washington State, he’s been called the Podfather, Linuxisthedemon, the mercurial pidgeon. With over 300 episodes of podcasts recorded, it’s the one, the only, author podcaster, gamer, and occasional streamer, TIM KA TROTTER!!! AND THIS IS THE FORK IN YOUR EAR PODCAST EPISODE #187 FIGHT NIGHT!
*This episode was live streamed on twitch please check it out on Tim T’s twitch channel!*
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If you would like to catch up with each of us personally Online Twitch/Twitter:
Tim K.A. Trotter’s Youtube ID: Dynamicworksproductions
Tim K.A. Trotter’s Twitter ID: Tim_T
Tim K.A. Trotter’s Twitch ID: Tim_KA_Trotter
Also remember to buy my Sc-Fi adventure book “The Citadel: Arrival by Tim K.A. Trotter” available right now on Amazon Kindle store & iTunes iBookstore for only $2.99 get a free preview download when you visit those stores, it’s a short story only 160-190 pages depending on your screen size, again thats $2.99 on Amazon Kindle & iTunes iBookstore so buy book and support this show!