Inspiring Stories 052 - Dr Lauren Mullin - Client Story (Part 1)
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Lauren is Lead Analytical Scientist at Arxada and founder of ChemHerstory blog, which is dedicated to communicating the stories of the lost women in the history of STEM. Over the next three episodes we will meet one inspirational woman from history and you will be absolutely blown away are the details Lauren shares.
In this episode we meet:
Hertha Ayrton (1854-1923) was a British inventor, mathematician, engineer, and physicist who was also a highly active suffragist. She was the first woman to read a research paper at a Royal Society meeting, and first woman to win the Hughes Medal. This is a story of female friendship, male allyship and cool science.
Connect with Lauren:
This Week in ChemHerstory: 24th-30th April
LinkedIn: Lauren Mullin
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