Emilie Aries on Systems-Level Solutions to Pay Equity

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Mar 20 2024 43 mins   1

I'm going to get a bit vulnerable here and be transparent that on the Women Taking the Lead podcast I have not given a lot of time to the topic of pay equity. Part of it is because I'm typically not working with women around the areas of negotiating salary. That may come up when a client of mine is being offered a promotion but typically, I'm not dealing with the issue of disparities in pay.

And what my guest is going to really underscore for us today is pay equity is not something that comes about because women have good negotiating skills. I know, shocker. Because that's what we've been led to believe for a long time now. If only women would develop certain skills, there wouldn't be so much inequity.

My guest Emily Aries is calling BS on that.

Meet Emilie Aries:

Emilie Aries is a speaker, podcaster, author, and the Founder & CEO of Bossed Up, an award-winning leadership development and career services company committed to closing the gender leadership gap.

Aries has worked with leaders at Fortune 500 companies to support retention, diversity and inclusion, and human resource initiatives, and has been featured in media outlets including the Washington Post, CNN Money, Buzzfeed, and more.

Her book, Bossed Up, serves as a practical roadmap for women who want to set themselves up for sustainable, long-term career success and step up as the boss of their lives.

In this episode Emilie and I discuss:

  • Current stats on pay inequities (it’s not just a problem for women)
  • Why developing negotiation skills is not solving the gender gap in pay.
  • What has proven to be effective in closing pay gaps across genders, ages, races and abilities.
  • What you can do on the individual, organizational and legislative level to bring about pay equity once and for all.

Where you can find Emilie:

Book Emilie to speak: www.emiliearies.com

Bossed Up: www.bossedup.org

Subscribe to the Bossed Up podcast: www.bossedup.org/podcast

Find Emilie on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emiliearies/


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Accomplished: How to Go from Dreaming to Doing. The book containing a simple, step by step system that gives you the foundation and structure to take your goals and make them happen.