Do you know why she keeps pulling away?
Do you think the first date went well, but in the end, she ghosted you?
If you want to know why every time you talk to a woman suddenly she seems uninterested and want to know why, then this is the podcast episode for you! In today’s podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will explore the emotional mistakes that often cause women to lose interest—and how to avoid them.
Drawing on her expertise, Apollonia will explain the unconscious behaviors men commonly exhibit while dating, which can unintentionally push women away.
Apollonia will share her insights on why women pull back, how to prevent it, and the critical strategies for attracting the right woman for you.
So, if you're ready to start leveling up in your dating life, tune in to this podcast!
Key points in this episode
- 0:37 - Why men's emotional mistakes scare the women away.
- 1:13 - It's important not to overshare. If you tend to overshare, it might lead to her feeling that you're too clingy.
- 2:17 - Apollonia uses an example of a man oversharing.
- 3:20 - A lack of emotional control. Emotional control shows immaturity.
- 4:44 - Overly needing ressurance. If you keep texting her, being too needy, it shows insecurity.
- 6:01 - Learning to walk away.
- 7:09 - Apollonia gives more examples of emotional mistakes men make.
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