Aug 23 2024 46 mins 2
A conversation on Grief, Grace and Gratitude.
You don't want to miss this conversation with Dr. Kim Harms. After losing her mother and her son to suicide, she dove into deep depression. She shares her story of slow survival and how she made her story of being shattered into a story of reslience and recovery from depth of grief.
Dr. Kimberly Harms has been around the block in life. She has served as a Commissioned Officer in the United States Public Health Service, a dental school professor, a grief counselor, a death doula, a civil mediator, a clinical dentist with her late husband Jim in Farmington MN, a school board Chair, President of an international women’s organization, the first woman President of the Minnesota Dental Association, a National Spokesperson for the American Dental Association (21 years), an award-winning, best selling author and international speaker on the topics of grief, conflict and legacy planning. She has also suffered many personal losses, including the deaths by suicide of her mother and son and the death by broken heart of her husband after their son’s death. Her most important role now is mother to her two surviving children and grandmother to 6 precious grandchildren.The best way to reach her is at my website:*******Hey, do you love incorporating wisdom as how to live your life from a place of acceptance and self compassion?
Then, you want to join me, Ami and Gen for a 4 day magical retreat in Oahu, Honolulu.This October, for the third time, we are gathering to eat well, practice yoga, dive into breath work as well as connect with like minded women physicians to deepen our gratitude and celebrate who we are.
Don't miss this intimate gathering.
To learn more or simply to sign up go to