Feb 02 2024 20 mins 1
Politics today. Am I right? One dude yelling into another dude's mouth. Like a momma bird giving a baby worm chew. It's really beautiful. Nature is crazy, though. Like, this girl I knew in grade school once found one of those baby birds under a tree, and she took it home to raise it. Every night she feed it wet dog food and gave it water. Like, after a month, the thing grew up and was fluttering around the house. She stopped coming to school cause she wanted to make sure her "baby" was safe. Her parents tried to get her to go outside but she just locked herself away. I haven't been by her house in years but some say she's still there taking care of her baby birds and also starring in a bunch of movies and starting a website named after that baby bird. I think it was called Goop. Anywho, WRYAT finally has the talk about nature.