Jun 23 2023 42 mins 35
Isn't it rich? Xena and Gab? Lesbian heroes of old...cloned in a lab? In a time of modern struggles and civil unrest, the nation cried out for a hero, and a reincarnated sorcerer teams up with some losers to clone a few. Today's episode is a diagetic clip show, a style of episode that Xena Warrior Princess has gotten quite good at. We talk jokes, bathrooms, and the wide spectrum of the way a show treats its fans. From Sherlock to Supernatural to House MD, you always have to ask: are they laughing with us, or at us?
Come and learn about the values of the digital versatile disc as we discuss Xena Warrior Princess Season 6 Episode 16: Send in the Clones
Follow us on twitter: @XenaWarriorBiz This podcast is the spinoff/sister podcast of SAILOR BUSINESS. Art by @barelysushi. Podcast edited by @allyspock. Support us on patreon at www.patreon.com/sailorbusiness