Oct 09 2021 94 mins 9
Our Heroes begin to summon The Old Worm, but even before the ritual completes the god's presence on the mortal plane begins to have nasty side effects!
Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/you_dont_meet_in_an_inn
You Don't Meet In An Inn: https://youdontmeetinaninn.libsyn.com/
Austin & Christine: https://twitter.com/notaninn
Sasha: https://twitter.com/sasha_reneau
Hadrian: https://twitter.com/hadrian
Cassandra: https://twitter.com/ACassDarkly
Thank you to our patrons:
- Anonajn
- Joel Sepulveda
We now have a Discord server which you can join here: https://discord.gg/KNPpAmM
The music featured in this stream is royalty free. It was provided by:
TeknoAXE Royalty Free Music: http://teknoaxe.com/home.php