Jan 29 2022 122 mins 6
With the Quodlibet established as a tavern, Our Heroes begin to welcome guests from their past AND future!
This is the final episode of The Last City. Thank you for joining us on this incredible adventure!
Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/you_dont_meet_in_an_inn
You Don't Meet In An Inn: https://youdontmeetinaninn.libsyn.com/
Austin & Christine: https://twitter.com/notaninn
Sasha: https://twitter.com/sasha_reneau
Hadrian: https://twitter.com/hadrian
Cassandra: https://twitter.com/ACassDarkly
You can purchase Stewpot by Takuma Okada at https://noroadhome.itch.io/stewpot-tales-from-a-fantasy-tavern
Thank you to our patrons:
- Anonajn
- Joel Sepulveda
We now have a Discord server which you can join here: https://discord.gg/KNPpAmM
The music featured in this stream is royalty free. It was provided by:
TeknoAXE Royalty Free Music: http://teknoaxe.com/home.php