Aug 16 2020 56 mins 30
Jonny Bloozit is a post-apocalyptic landscape cartoonist who believes in the value of being a deliberate amateur so that you don’t lose the joy of making art.
Full shownotes:
In this episode, Jonny discusses:
-How he lost his joy for music.
-What brought him back to drawing.
-His opinion that you don’t have to be a professional to be an artist.
-How society equates successful art to money.
-Why you shouldn’t put too much emotion in gaining followers.
-Why you should try getting up early in the morning to do your art (and some tips on how to do it).
-What he does when he lacks motivation.
-Identifying himself by what he does for fun rather than what he does for money.
-How he honed in on his style of “post-apocalyptic landscape cartooning.”
-The beauty that exists in things that are deteriorating or falling apart.
-Being analytical about his learning process.
-Watercoloring his ink drawings.
-The value of critique groups.
-The importance of learning the rules of art.
Jonny’s Final Push will encourage you to never let anyone else steal your joy for making art!
“I went back to drawing again and it was like seeing an old friend.”
“Being a deliberate amateur is also a noble path, so don’t let anybody make you feel bad for doing that.”
“You never really look at something the way you look at it when you have to draw it.”
“If the breadth of what I was trying to do was too broad, I wouldn’t get enough depth.”
“Your own style is going to come out whether you like it or not. Just concentrate on the fundamentals and the style will take care of itself.”
Links mentioned:
Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter by James Gurney
Figure Drawing for All It’s Worth by Andrew Loomis
Perspective! for Comic Book Artists by David Chelsea