- Chris has been troubleshooting a PCB with a dead short on inner layers (put in by board house by mistake)
- Don’t Touch My Gerbers shirt
- “Is there an AI tool that will fix this for me?” … No
- Chris dumped a bunch of current in the board and looked at it with this thermal camera
- 6.5 digit DMM to track down shorts
- Etching problems in the old days
- 100% etest
- Adding rails to PCBs for production
- Reddit discussion thread: why not work on a product? That is, Dave, the wise one.
- Videos
- Live stream issues
- Post from Twitter: Is 2 layers all you really need? This person thinks so, or is trying to convince themselves as much.
- Armchair quarterbacking
- Ian Johnston replacing the display on an 8.5 digit DMM
- Jack Ganssle has posted his final newsletter (The Embedded Muse)…happy retirement! Jack has been on the show twice:
- Ward Christensen, Inventor of BBS and XModem, (and former listener of the show!) has passed away
- Dave is interviewing Lee Felstenstein for our next episode
The post #682 – Your Mind Is The Tool first appeared on The Amp Hour Electronics Podcast.