Jul 26 2024 29 mins 1
Welcome to the Youth With A Mission News Show for July 2024. This month we hear about YWAM Dzalek, three different Bible translation initiatives from around the world, a worship and prayer initiative in Washington DC, three ship ministry updates, a ministry to bring food to the needy in Guatemala, and find out about some amazing resources that Create International have created for ministry, and more …
Thank you for downloading this, the 147th episode of the Youth With A Mission News Show Podcast, I’m your host, Bill Hutchison.
You can contact us, subscribe to future episodes, leave comments, and find links to all the stories we talk about on the show notes for this podcast at ywampodcast.com/147 …
YWAM Dzaleka
In the episode 135 of the YWAM News Show from July last year, we talked about Football Academy at the Dzaleka refugee camp. We have an update from their ministry now …
End Bible Poverty – Kalaki Bible Distribution
Last month End Bible Poverty Now in Uganda went on mission to Kalaki district in Eastern Uganda to provide the Word of God to the local church in the community, ensuring they have access to vital spiritual resources.
This effort effort has brought hope and encouragement to many people in Kalaki…
Check out their Facebook Page to see more of what they are doing.
Bible Translation in the Himalayas
Anna is a missionary who has moved to the Himalayas to work with Bible translation …
Anna started her ministry, and did her first trip with YWAM Yosemite, which you can find out more about at ywamyosemite.org.
Oral Bible Translation in Samoa
Oral Bible Translation is working in Samoa …
The best place to follow the work that is happening with YWAM in Samoa is in their Facebook Page.
Night Watch in Washington DC
David’s Tent is a ministry in Washington DC with a focus on 24/7 worship and prayer. It’s a ministry that YWAM Virginia Beach has been involved with, and we have this report from them …
You can check out the rest of the ministry that YWAM Virginia Beach is involved with on their web-site, ywamvirginiabeach.org.
Gleanings for the Hungry – Guatemala
Gleaning for the Hungry in Guatemala provides food to families in the local communities. Hope of the Nations, visit this community once a month to bring each family enough food for the next month. The families work very hard looking after the cattle that live on the land, but they are paid very little. Before the Lord called Eric and Billy to go visit the families struggled with hunger and malnutrition.
Find out more about Gleanings for the Hungry ministry around the world, on their web-site, gleanings.org.
Island Reach July 2024 Update
This month we have another up from the Island Reach, and their journey to get the ship to Madagascar.
Check out ywamships.ch for more.
MV YWAM Liberty Drydock Complete
We have an update from the MV YWAM Liberty about the recent maintenance needed on their ship.

We recently had an update from Brett Curtis from YWAM Ships Kona about the MV YWAM Liberty. The ship recently completed drydock in PNG. and are back in the water!
If you are watching the video, or head over to ywampodcast.com/147, you can check out the size of the propellors. The screws are massive, probably twice the height of Brett, who is in the photos. Helps give some idea as to the big task that has been completed!
They want to thank you for your prayers and for following their ministry. The medical teams and volunteers are standing by to make this their home again.
NAV School outreach from French Polynesia
Another part of the ministry from YWAM Ships Kona is the NAV School outreach …
Head to ywamshipskona.org for more information about the NAV School, and the MV YWAM Liberty.
YWAM Costa Tropical, Spain
Here is an introduction to YWAM Costa Tropical Spain …
Check out ywamct.com to find out more.
IndigiTube Resources
Create International has been working for decades developing resources to be used for ministry around the world …
Go to Indigitube.tv to check out all the resources that they offer.
YWAM Fernace Memez
YWAM Fernace produced a good meme again this month …
SO ENCOURAGED: It has been revealed today that a YWAM-affiliated prophetic meeting has reached critical mass.
70 layers of interconnected prophecy were discovered after the team had waited on God for just five minutes.
If you liked the program, tell a friend. If you didn’t like it, tell a friend anyway …