Jan 20 2023 39 mins
Episode + Journal Prompts
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Show Notes
Do you believe that multiple realities exist? I’m not talking woo woo other time line dimensions. Im talking about the current reality that you are living in today. And the one that is possible if you change, because other people are living it right now.
When I started thinking about this. It made even my brain hurt a little bit. But I believe that its an important part of shifting our mindset and habits to create the new “version” of the reality that we want.
It can be hard to believe anything is possible if your stuck in an old mindset. If you:
- Don’t believe you can make more money different than how you make it now
- that you can take all your pto and travel
- that marriage, kids, family has to be hard and draining
- you have to be born with those connections to make anything happen
Then, not only are you not going to change. But you will sabotage any consistent, long lasting change so that you can “stay” the same.
You wont become the person you keep dreaming about. The one that’s making more and more money every year. The person who travels multiple times a year. The one who is fully supported in doing things that they love.
Instead of getting stuck and frustrated. Start with the idea that both realities exist. At the same time. The trick is to find someone that has a portion of the realty you want.
Its the fastest way to create the life you want. So you can start training your subconscious that this is possible. Which means that it will not fight you on changing your life to mirror what you actually desire.
Thank you so much for listening to todays episode. I’d love to hear how your using the journal prompts. Or tag me and show me where your listening to the episode. You can tag me on all the socials or drop a comment in the Esty store.