Nov 11 2023 27 mins 5
S2 - Episode 31 - On today's podcast, Michele dives into the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies of giving and receiving and the dance between them.
"I want to talk about what I feel is one of the most important aspects of Divine Feminine energy—and that is the ability to receive. In order to talk about receiving — I have to also talk about giving — which is one of the most important aspects of Divine Masculine energy. Although we want both giving and receiving energy within us and within any relationship — it’s important to know the primary energy that each polarity carries and how this can affect our Twin Flame dynamic.
Also, don’t forget to stay to the end where you’ll get to hear another Twin Flame journey share.
In any relationship — there is both giving and receiving. And ideally we want a balance of both within each person and each relationship.
Masculine qualities and aspects are action oriented and forward moving. Doing. Thinking. This energy is a giving energy. Think of the sun. Think of the positive energy on a battery. It moves toward the negative to ignite the charge.
Feminine qualities and aspects are more about being rather than doing, listening and being in the body and being receptive. Think of nature — receiving the sun’s energy, warmth and nutrients. Think of the negative energy on a battery. It has to receive the positive energy for the charge to ignite.
Now this has nothing to do with your gender or how you identify. But I’m referring to the masculine and feminine aspects and qualities we all have within us.
When we’re perfectly balanced within we are doing and being - we are giving and receiving — and there’s a flow between them.
Join me as I dive even deeper into these energies and find out how to create balance and avoid over-giving.
Thanks for listening!"
Transformational Dreamwork -
Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet