A production of the "Mercy" chapter by GRRM from The Winds of Winter (published on his website and read at conventions). Voice acting, sound effects, music... enjoy!
Narrator: Lady Gwyn – Radio Westeros
Arya/Mercy: girlnettles
Waterman: Daniele Bolelli – History on Fire podcast
Daena: Loren Scipioni
Izembaro: Matteo Barbagallo
Brusco: Ken Krouner
Marro/The Stranger: Costantino Pompa
The Snapper: Val – Because Geek
Bobono: Michael Klarfeld
Raff the Sweetling: Joggi – Through the Moon Door
Old Guard: yolkboy – Radio Westeros
Sound Design: Alex Carmichael
Engineering: Ben Anderson aka the Bengineer
Producer: Ashaya