Jul 29 2020 1 mins 3
We are reading “Oodles of Noodles” by Mickey Daniels. Illustrated by Kelly Kennedy.
Do you put oodles of noodles on everything? Read about a boy who does!
This read-aloud story is designed to jumpstart reading success by introducing—and reinforcing—the most frequently used words in print. Help ensure that children really know their sight words by sharing this engaging tale!
This book teaches these four sight words: he, put, on, of.
Do you put oodles of noodles on everything? Read about a boy who does!
This read-aloud story is designed to jumpstart reading success by introducing—and reinforcing—the most frequently used words in print. Help ensure that children really know their sight words by sharing this engaging tale!
This book teaches these four sight words: he, put, on, of.