Apr 14 2023 32 mins 3
Episode Mindset shifts + Journal Prompts
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Show Notes
When I mention the word rest, how does it make you feel?
Guilty, sad, ashamed that you don't do it more often? Do you have all these rules that pop up in your head that have to happen before you rest?
What about when you have a shit show for a week and just can't seem to catch your breath? Would you rest then? Would you stop and take care of yourself? Could you rely on some tools that could pull you out of that emotional roller coaster?
Or would that shitty week turn into a shitty month. Would that emotion build and build until you either became bitter or burned out, like it was for me?
This time, I chose to use a different way out of that sticky, shitty emotion instead of just numbing it away. I wanted lasting relief, not just a bandage that didn't really solve the problem.
Today's episode dives into what I'm doing differently. How to stop a "they did me dirty" moment in its tracks. How to use it for good, for both you and others. Along with a very easy tool to use to get to the underlying emotion that you really wanted to feel all along.
Best yet, this episode is something that you can use to feel relief before its over.
Listen to the episode... Shift your mindset... Check out the recommendations below.
You won't regret it.