Feb 17 2025 67 mins 25
Episode 569 is is brought to you by...
Sweetwater: Enter the #nammhouse #namm2025 GIVEAWAY here:https://sweetwater.sjv.io/bODQ9P
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60 Cycle Hum
9450 Mira Mesa Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92126
00:00 Rare ESP
9:52 Jack White just wants to ROCK YOUR FACE OFF
36:45 El Gato
41:30 Thanks Patreon!
42:32 If you remember Sassy and want to see his auction
46:39 Opening mail from Guyatone!
51:46 Vibrant Stratocaster
1:01:50 This song was sent by Matty Two Hats and is called ""Party With You"
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