Jul 21 2024 24 mins
with Free E-book download (click the link and scroll down until you get to featured products!) : https://manifestitfinesseit.teachable.com/p/home
Self-concept is king! How you see yourself greatly affects what you receive. Your perceptions and continued awareness on those perceptions create. Change how you see yourself and make your self-conception the operant of your reality and watch how your life changes!
Apply to be an affiliate for the manifestation workshop: https://manifestitfinesseit.teachable.com/p/affiliate
My Instagram: https://instagram.com/manifestinggaia?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr
My personal Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/7mnqlrpp0eft77bzk7ozon3fl?si=76e268900cc54c91
My twitter and tiktok: @manifestinggaia
My YT Channel: Manifest It, Finesse It - YouTube
business inquires: [email protected]