Afghan translator and American hero Amir Baba Rahim Khan Ali Taheri Hassan is still struggling to obtain citizenship. And certainly in this gig economy, Amir could benefit from a good therapist! Unfortunately, Amir goes to that real Sigmund Fraud Ian Herrin instead. And would you believe once again, Ian behaves inappropriately? I mean, how many times does this guy need to be an overly sexualized goofball before people realize he's a hack?? Get out of there, Amir! You deserve better!!
Ah, you're clearly no Wile E. Coyote, because you've found the best part of the episode description! The part where I get to tell you all about the wonderful actor and improviser Fawad Siddiqui. Be sure you follow Fawad, catch him teaching and performing through @shortroundimprov, and lastly you can see Fawad on the national tour of the Kite Runner through June.