Mar 30 2024 32 mins 34
Hello again my witchy friends, and thanks for tuning in to today's episode of The Fat Feminist Witch!
Today’s episode is a little different, because it’s actually the first episode of a new show I’ve created called The Hedonic Tone, all about the goddess Voluptas, hedonism, and magical pleasure.
This is a show with lisenced music, which is exclusive to Spotify, so while the episode shared here is music free for all to enjoy, you can find the full episode at HERE!
Connect with me:
Twitter: @fatfemnistwitch
Instagram: @fatfeministwitch
Threads: @fatfeministwitch
Get stickers, mugs, journals, and t-shirts up to size 5X on my TeePublic store!
As always, the opening track is Back to the 90s by Douglas Mulvey!
The intro, outro, and transition music heard in The Hedonic Tone is Dream Song No. 168 by Isaac Joel