Dec 06 2023 88 mins 4
This week Lidiia Tulenkova (@ladyanthropologist) a graduate from the University of Toronto (with a degree in Sociocultural Anthropology) joins the podcast. Lidiia moved to Canada at age 18 from St. Petersburg, Russia, and shares her experience attending University in Canada and learning English. We then discuss how she found her passion for anthropology, and how sad it is that so many people don’t know what our field encompasses. Additionally, she explains how her instagram page @ladyanthropologist started, as well as her approach to content creating and how that approach has developed over the last few years. Lidiia is passionate about visual anthropology and translating knowledge into an engaging medium that helps publicize anthropology, which she engages in on her instagram page (and now Youtube). She also shares details about her new Youtube channel and the first video she launched called “Boys Don’t Cry: Ethnography on Men’s Mental Health.” Lastly, we talk about her life and job post-grad! Check out her YouTube channel below and follow her on Instragram.