Mar 30 2023 41 mins 1
Episode Mindset shifts + Journal Prompts
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Show Notes
Do you ask for help? I didn't for a long time. I actually kinda sucked at asking for help.
I used to create this mindset by denying myself and I became this martyr. I told this story of what I could do on my own. I would say all the time "Look at all the things I'm getting done". Plus, I'm not getting help from anybody. Regardless of how overwhelmed, resentful, and stressed out it made me. My head use to be a dark place.
Now I'm breaking the cycle and asking for help all the time. It can be big or small. Like learning a topic I'm not great at. Or making sure that I listen to specific podcast or courses in the morning to start my day right. It can be honoring my schedule and knowing when to say yes or no to something.
Which means instead of creating this horrible, non supporting story that no one helps me. That Im not supported. I cant do the things i want because I dont have the help or time.
I now realize that none of that is real anymore. I'm supported every time I ask for help.
It could be the the universe that I'm asking for help. A new course that I purchased to help shorten my learning curve. It could be for guidance in my next steps.
Listen to the episode… shift your mindset.. Grab the recommended course below.
You won't regret it.