Season 7 Episode #1. Unstoppable: The Keys to Consistently Winning 40+ Weeks and Achieving Your Goals

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Jan 08 2024 18 mins   1

- Michael Fanning, host of the Windermere coaching minute podcast, shares tips on how to crush your goals and dreams in 2024. He provides strategies to help his coaching clients achieve work/life balance and success.

- Break your big, intimidating goals down into smaller, bite-sized, achievable steps. For example, instead of focusing on running one full marathon, focus first on successfully running a 5K, then 10K, half marathon, etc. Set mini-goals along the way.

- Use tools to track your progress daily or weekly, such as a planner, journal, app, or whiteboard. Tracking provides satisfaction as you see progress, which boosts motivation to keep going. Real estate agents: track your activities, phone calls, property views, etc.

- "Win" at least 40 out of 52 weeks in a year by tracking activities and achieving your targets consistently. Hold yourself accountable. If you miss a target, make sure it's intentional, like taking time off. Don't unintentionally lose weeks by getting distracted or discouraged.

- Get accountability through an accountability partner, mastermind group, or coach. Reporting to someone gives an extra push when you want to slack off. Consider hiring a coach to hold you accountable to agreed upon activities.

- Be patient and give yourself grace. Nobody's perfect. If you slip up, get back on track the very next day. Don't dwell on small setbacks. Change takes time. Persist.

- Maintain a positive mindset through intentional morning and evening routines. For example, exercise, meditate, read, listen to podcasts in the morning. In the evening, follow the "3-2-1" rule - stop eating 3 hours before bed, stop working 2 hours before, get off screens 1 hour before.

- Take care of your body through proper sleep. Let your mind unwind before bed to "park" your brain. Good sleep regulates cortisol, clears the mind, and reduces stress. Follow healthy evening routines.