Jan 02 2025 94 mins 4
Andrew For America talks about the recent drone and UFO/UAP sightings as of late, gives a brief history of Project Bluebeam, reminds us of how repetition is used in mind control, and reiterates yet again (with supporting examples) how it's all a part of the "big club's" plan for the world...allegedly. Andrew also plays a clip of President Trump giving a speech at the United Nations general assembly in NYC recently, as well as clips and research findings from Derrick Broze, Steven M. Greer, TikTok creator Tyler Hansen, founder of the Paradigm Research Group Stephen Bassett, CNN technical director Charlie Chester, and others to help illustrate his points. Andrew also talks about the Matrix movies, media manipulation, and predictive programming.
The song selection is the song, “Red Alert” by the band Agent 51.
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