Feb 06 2023 122 mins
Wow, This was an excellent show where we talked about some things I haven't yet discussed in the last 3 years of this podcast. We spoke about Moth Man, Dog Man, Big Foot, Aliens, Gnomes, Fairys and moved into the topic of cloning. I had an excellent time with the fine fellows and learned a bunch of new things. It was an honor having them on and I hope to do it again sometime! Im sure you guys will love this show. Enjoy!
You can find these guys on any podcast platform at Hush Hush Society Conspiracy Hour
On instagram @hhsconspiracyhourpod or on their website at www.hushhushsociety.com
You can find these guys on any podcast platform at Hush Hush Society Conspiracy Hour
On instagram @hhsconspiracyhourpod or on their website at www.hushhushsociety.com