Kyra-Mae Turner | Life as a Makeup Artist, Travelling Dos and Don'ts, and Embracing the Natural Look

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Oct 16 2024 34 mins  

We're back with another season of Ami Charlize's Private Story and we're joined by the stunning and kind Kyra-Mae Turner.

Together, the girls chat about Kyra's various adventures, the highs and lows of social media, her blossoming influencer friendships, and a shocking and hilarious private story.
Listen or watch every Wednesday at 5pm to keep up with the incredible guests and for exclusive insight into Ami’s world - and make sure to subscribe/follow!

Plus, feel free to like the show or leave a comment/review, and get in touch with your latest stories, dilemmas, or questions via Instagram. And be sure to follow on all socials...

🫶Instagram: amicharlizeprivatestory
🩷TikTok: amicharlizeprivatestory
✨YouTube: amicharlizeprivatestory

😽Kyra-Mae: kyramaeturner6