Joey and Drew on Few Will Hunt

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May 08 2023 50 mins   1

"Everybody wants to eat, but Few Will Hunt."

Today on the podcast with Joey Bowen and Drew Beech, co-founders of the apparel brand and community Few Will Hunt.

Joey and Drew spent their daily commutes through the gritty streets of Philadelphia on the phone for a year straight.

On these calls, they talked about business and life — especially the trends of self-entitlement and shortcut-seeking they witnessed in society.

These trends made them feel alone in an ever-softening world. “Are we the only ones that still believe in the power of hard work?” Drew asked. Joey responded, “It’s like we say at my hunting cabin — everybody wants to eat, but few will hunt.”

This statement perfectly summed up their frustrations with society. It became their mantra.


Show Notes:

(00:00) Intro

(02:18) Where Did This Start for Them

(04:15) Loving the Process

(05:38) Finding A Purpose

(06:32) Finding Mentors

(08:21) Alex Hormozi and Warren Buffet

(09:27) The Shortcuts are Already There

(10:06) Guns Germs and Steel

(11:13) Mental Frameworks

(14:12) Contacting Reality

(18:15) Life Lessons from Sport

(21:32) Super Power to Direct Your Attention

(24:11) Information Diet

(27:05) The Power of Community

(30:37) Challenge Yourself to Find Differing Viewpoints

(31:08) Strong Convictions but Loosely Held

(32:15) Life is in the Gray

(33:26) Andrew Wakefield and Anti Vax

(35:22) Uncomfortable Conversations

(38:01) Parenting and Resilience

(40:11) Recommended Books

(43:23) Advice to a driven person

(48:01) Outro

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