Mar 11 2020 43 mins
Jughead has been spending his time pretending to be dead in the bunker putting the pieces together on his attempted murder and the secrets of Stonewall.
Having the pieces in place, Jughead and Betty head to Stonewall prep and into Mr DuPont’s classroom and stage a locked room mystery with the class and DuPont. The door will remain locked until the true killer reveals them-self.
Jughead and Betty take them all through the events that happened this year and what they meant.
They reveal how they revived Jughead after being hit with a rock by Joan. After spending 36 hours unconscious he woke up and worked with Betty, Archie and Veronica to convince Stonewall that he was dead so he could put together the facts.
Jughead finally circles around to the original sin, DuPont stealing the original Baxter Brother’s story from grandfather. They reveal that DuPont killed the original inner circle so they couldn’t reveal the truth about what DuPont did.
F.P. and Charles arrive with Jughead’s grandfather who has been doing some detective work of his own about DuPont. Realizing that he is caught, DuPont jumps out the window to his death.
Joan leaves the country and Bret, after some brass knuckle convincing from Jughead and F.P., gives up the location of the sex tapes he recorded.
Betty pays a visit to Donna and reveals that she knows she is the granddaughter of one of the original inner circle members. She did all this to bring down DuPont and take the Tracy True contract. Betty tells her to walk away from the contract or she will expose what she did. Donna doesn’t deserve the contract after what she tried to do after Jughead.
With Jughead back at Riverale High, Cheryl asks Betty if the chemistry between her and Archie was all fake. F.P. and Jughead’s grandfather have dinner and try to talk about the past.
Archie, Veronica, Betty and Jughead promise to make the most the remainder of their senior year and get Jughead and Archie to graduate with them. And Kevin shows up saying that everyone needs to be in the spring musical.
Frank Moran (@happygojackie) Dontaira Terrell (@dontairaterrell) Katie Kawamoto (@kt_christine)
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