Alexis, Sam, Kristine and Molly all have a Davis women get together where Molly shares she slept with Brando, Alexis shares she drank and Kristine and Sam get into it over whose to blame for Sam Jason not being together and does Jason want to be with her.
Jason meets Brando at the gym where he shares that Sam and Kristine aren’t fans of his and that he is staying it Port Charles.
Mac talks with TJ and gets more information to lead him to TJ’s kidnappers. He’s also suspecting that Jordan knows more than she’s telling and tells her that he can talk to her but she rushes him off.
Curtis meets with Sonny and Jason to see what the next step is against Cyrus. Sonny tells him that he is taking it slow to make Cyrus feel comfortable before taking him out. Curtis doesn’t like the idea of leaving Jordan walking a tightrope rope.
Cyrus approaches Carly and Laura at the Metro Court and mentions that his is having a big party and extends invitations. Both pass.
Franco and Elizabeth get into an argument over his artwork and career. Franco says that Elizabeth wouldn’t understand his struggles because she isn’t a real artist. Elizabeth is offense and Franco feels terrible. Elizabeth sends him off to his paint session with Ava.
Ava and Nikolas argue after he receives a letter from Spencer saying he can be his father if he gets rid of Ava.
Ava says he can divorce her and give her 90 of the Cassedine fortune. Nikolas says he won’t do that and they are currently at a stalemate.
Sasha and Chase run into Michael and Brook Lynn at the boxing gym. Brook Lynn accidentally hits Sasha. While Michael takes her to GH, Chase gives Brook Lynn and citation. When Brook Lynn tears it up Chase arrests her.
Frank Moran (@happygojackie) Carla Renata (@TheCurvyCritic)
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