Mar 08 2020 42 mins
It’s the night before the school festival and class 1-A is putting together the final touches on their performance. Deku rushes out the next morning to get a new rope, and encounters our quirky villains Gentle Criminal and La Brava. The two don’t mean any harm, but Deku won’t allow them to set off the alarm and ruin all the hard work everyone put into the festival, or ruin the chance for Eri to experience fun and happiness. Gentle Criminal’s quirk is revealedl. Deku is able to use his new quirk modifying gear, doing everything in his power to stop Gentle from damaging the day!
It’s also International Women’s Day and our hosts Kari Lane and Veronica Valencia highlight some of our favorite female mangakas!
Today's After Show Was Hosted By: Kari Lane (@karidlane) Veronica Valencia (@itsmeveronica_v)
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